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Abstract Horizon

Enlightening Online Counselling and Hypnotherapy
Because you deserve to be happy

My son was getting very anxious about starting secondary school after lockdown, having missed out on the end of primary school and induction days for the new school. This anxiety manifested itself as anger and resistance. After talking with Tânia, he understood how hypnotherapy could benefit him and was willing to give it a go. The results were felt immediately and he was able to relax and enjoy the summer. Though he was still a little nervous about the new school, he had a more positive outlook and anxiety didn’t take over. He understood he would be able to cope and solve any problems that arose.

As a parent, I also started hypnotherapy on separate sessions. These have helped me change my reactions to my son’s emotions which have in turn helped with the whole atmosphere of our home. I am in general less anxious and able to focus on the many positive aspects of my life, which we’re getting buried under the few issues that needed to be worked on. I’m very grateful for Tânia’s professional, yet kind and welcoming approach, which has benefited our family immensely.



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I have found the hypnosis sessions very beneficial indeed. I was a little sceptical to begin with - having had issues I wanted to address with the same thing for many years I was thinking it probably wouldn’t work in the long run but I was willing to give it a go. I was extremely and very pleasantly surprised how much it worked! I am now able to keep emptying my stress bucket and deal with what comes my way…… thank you very much Tania x



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Tania has given me the tools to be more confident in myself and my ability, and much more able to deal with stresses that come my way. I have enjoyed the sessions so much that I have asked for further sessions to help me focus on my weight loss journey. I would definitely recommend to family and friends. Once again, thanks Tania! Loved the sessions and looking forward to more. 


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I’ve been doing therapy with Tania for some time now. I was nervous and unsure if I would like her and if therapy would be beneficial for me. The answer is yes and yessss!

Tania made me feel at ease from the start. She has helped me to cope with all my problems and I think she’s brilliant. 

We started with counselling and we moved on to hypnotherapy. Currently my session is half and half (tailor made for me). The hypnotherapy helps me relax and change my way of thinking, it is absolutely fantastic.

I can say that I feel so much better in myself, I feel more confident and much happier. She gave me the tools to cope with my difficulties.

Tania is a very competent therapist, very knowledgeable and I would recommend her.


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El 2019 fue un año muy difícil para mí. Me estaba divorciando de mi esposo, había muchas preocupaciones sobre mi familia, cambios en mi trabajo y no podía dormir bien por las noches. Sentí que no podría enfrentar todos estos cambios en mi vida. Una amiga me habló de una psicóloga y terapeuta, Tania Stevanin. Cuando me puse en contacto con Tania me habló de la hipnoterapia y por eso decidí ponerme en sus manos. En tan solo unas semanas logré ver grandes mejoras como, por ejemplo, dormir mejor y sentirme más segura para enfrentar mis problemas, sin que me afectaran mucho, incluso un problema que tenía durante mucho tiempo de balbunes irritadas. Recomiendo a Tania Stevanin como una muy buena terapeuta con mucha paciencia y dedicación.


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Sou muito grata por ter feito terapia com a Tânia.

A terapia me ajudou muito a lidar com meu esposo durante sua depressão. A hipnoterapia foi.


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A terapia me ajudou muito, por causa da depressão. A hipnoterapia me ajudou muito, sofria de insomnia e consegui dormir com mais facilidade.

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When I started with the hypnotherapy treatment I wasn’t aware how it would work or benefit me. But, it was such a beautiful surprise to find that, unconsciously, I was changing my behaviour and myself, as a sense of inner peace grew inside.

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